24 hours emergency & ambulance Service: +321 789 01 2345

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  • 121 Park Drive

    Varick St, Newyork 1006
  • Mon - Satday

    09.00am to 18.00pm

Acerca de Turnos

¿Cómo se obtiene un turno para ser atendido por un kinesiólogo?

¿Se puede reservar un turno por internet?

Si, usted puede completar el formulario de turnos en nuestra página web, consignando día y horario de su preferencia. Sin embargo, debe tener en cuenta que el mismo estará sujeto a disponibilidad. Nos comunicaremos con usted para confirmarlo o bien arreglar otro turno alternativo en caso que este no esté disponible y podremos solicitarle información adicional acerca de su orden médica, obra social, etc. para evitar inconvenientes cuando acuda al consultorio para ser atendido.

¿Qué pasa si no puedo concurrir al turno que tenía asignado?

Si por algún inconveniente personal, de salud, o cualquier otro motivo no pudiera concurrir al consultorio en el día y horario que le fuera asignado, deberá informárnoslo con la mayor anticipación posible, por teléfono al 011 4242-9863, para que podamos organizar nuestra agenda, asignarle un nuevo turno y evitar de esa manera perder la sesión.

¿Es por orden de llegada? ¿En qué horarios atienden?

No, la atención no es por orden de llegada, sino por turno asignado. No concurra al consultorio si no tiene un turno, ya que no podrá ser atendido. Nuestro horario de atención es de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 20:00 hs.

Acerca de Obras Sociales

Why hospitals do not allow return medication?

What is a Patient Centered Medical Home?

A Patient Centered Medical Home is a model of healthcare delivery in which care is tailored to the needs & preferences of patients, the Patient Centered Medical model encourages.

How much will my hospital stay cost?

A Patient Centered Medical Home is a model of healthcare delivery in which care is tailored to the needs & preferences of patients, the Patient Centered Medical model encourages.

Can I choose my class of ward?

A Patient Centered Medical Home is a model of healthcare delivery in which care is tailored to the needs & preferences of patients, the Patient Centered Medical model encourages.

Acerca de Nuestras Especialidades

Where is the hospital located?

What is the deposit amount for admission?

A Patient Centered Medical Home is a model of healthcare delivery in which care is tailored to the needs & preferences of patients, the Patient Centered Medical model encourages.

What are the visiting hours?

A Patient Centered Medical Home is a model of healthcare delivery in which care is tailored to the needs & preferences of patients, the Patient Centered Medical model encourages.

How many visitors are allowed at a time?

A Patient Centered Medical Home is a model of healthcare delivery in which care is tailored to the needs & preferences of patients, the Patient Centered Medical model encourages.


Why hospitals do not allow return medication?

What is a Patient Centered Medical Home?

A Patient Centered Medical Home is a model of healthcare delivery in which care is tailored to the needs & preferences of patients, the Patient Centered Medical model encourages.

How much will my hospital stay cost?

A Patient Centered Medical Home is a model of healthcare delivery in which care is tailored to the needs & preferences of patients, the Patient Centered Medical model encourages.

Can I choose my class of ward?

A Patient Centered Medical Home is a model of healthcare delivery in which care is tailored to the needs & preferences of patients, the Patient Centered Medical model encourages.

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